FAQ - frequently asked questions - кедровые бочки РосКедр
ул. Маршала Бирюзова д4, к1

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Телефон горячей линии: 8 800 555 27 07
Телефон горячей линии:
8 800 555 27 07

FAQ – frequently asked questions

  1. Interested in how many years your company has been around?
    We are the first manufacturer of cooperage phyto barrels and have existed since 2003.
  2. Who are your customers?
    Our clients are the leading medical institutions in Russia, beauty salons and ordinary people who buy barrels for home use.
  3. Why do you have minimum prices for products?
    We have a full-cycle production – from wood harvesting to assembly. We do not work with dealers, only directly with the end user. Our goal is to make the phyto box as accessible as possible.
  4. Do you send certificates and what other documents will be on the barrel?
    We provide the most complete package of documents, which includes certificates, permits, technical passport, waybills and advertising and information brochures.
  5. How to pay?
    For your convenience, we offer several payment options, organizations can receive an invoice, individuals can issue a receipt that can be paid at any bank or make an electronic payment with VISA, MasterCard, etc.
  6. Is it possible to purchase on credit or installment payment?
    We do not provide loans because we are not a banking organization. For orders that will be made individually, you can make an advance payment of 30% of the cost, as soon as the order is ready, pay the balance and we will ship.
  7. What products do you produce?
    Our main products are cedar phyto barrels, fonts, herbal infusions.
  8. Where can I see a cedar barrel live?
    You need to go to our customer card, find the nearest beauty salon or sanatorium where you can not only look at the barrel, but also take the procedure, personally evaluate all the advantages of the cedar barrel “Roskedr”.
  9. What is the guarantee for a cedar barrel?
    The warranty is 1-3 years, depending on the selected model.
  10. How to specify the possibility, cost and delivery time?
    We ship to any point in Russia and the world. The cost and timing depend on the distance of the destination from our warehouses, the cost in Russia is from 1000 to 3500 rubles. the period is from 1 to 6 days. Please specify about delivery to other countries separately.
  11. Is it possible to deliver a cedar barrel in a collapsible form?
    We recommend transportation in assembled form, but the cedar barrel can be disassembled and assembled on site.
  12. How is the cedar barrel delivered?
    Sending is carried out upon receipt of funds. The products are delivered to absolutely any region of Russia and any country in the world. We work directly with the end user, which eliminates additional costs and ensures the minimum cost of our products.
  13. A cedar barrel can accommodate people with a weight of over 100 kg and a height of 2 meters?
    The standard Roskedr phyto box (130x77cm.) can accommodate people weighing up to 140 kilograms and up to 2 meters tall, since the seat is height-adjustable for people of different complexions. If this is not enough, we can make phyto barrels of any size!
  14. Can you make a barrel according to individual sizes?
    Yes, we can make phyto barrels of any size!
  15. Is it difficult to install a phyto box yourself?
    It’s very simple. The barrel comes assembled, all the components are inside. Anyone can handle the launch procedure, spending no more than 15 minutes.
  16. What is the advantage of the cooperage technology by which your phyto barrels are made?
    Cooperage technology implies the longest service life of the product and the possibility of shifting the rivets when moisture is collected, which is why there is no chance of cracks. Read more in our blog: What to pay attention to when choosing a real phyto box?
  17. Is it possible to install a barrel in an ordinary apartment?
    The barrel can be installed in any room, since steam does not come out and does not have a negative thermal effect on surrounding objects.
  18. If you process the barrel with wax or impregnation, then you can do it only from the outside or inside too?
    Only from the outside, in a circle, inside you can cover the bottom so that injuries do not paint it and it does not darken over time, as well as the seat and the footrest. The tree inside the barrel does not need to be covered, it must breathe and release its essential oils when heated, which include phytoncides with bactericidal properties.
  19. Tell me, how can I disinfect the barrel, by what means?
    The barrel cannot be treated with any chemical means, otherwise the cedar will lose all its medicinal properties. Disposable napkins or a towel are placed under the legs and buttocks. Everyone knows that products are steamed before vacuum packaging, pasteurized, that is, the barrel is constantly in the process of self-processing with phytoncides and hot steam. If you use the barrel for commercial purposes, at the end of the working day you can put a quartz lamp inside the barrel for 10-15 minutes.
  20. Is it possible to use a cedar barrel independently, without the help of another person?
    Yes, it is possible to use a cedar barrel independently, without outside help. Inside and outside there are comfortable handles.
  21. Are any licenses required to use phyto barrels for commercial purposes?
    No, the phyto box does not fall under any licensing laws or restrictions, it can be freely installed and used in any institution.
  22. Is it possible to install a barrel in an unheated room (veranda, loggia, balcony)?
    Yes, the barrel can be installed in a cold room. The main thing after the procedures is to wipe the product dry and remove the liquid from the steam generator.
  23. Is it possible to use a phyto bottle for children?
    Yes, children from 3 years old can use a phyto bottle under the supervision of adults.
  24. What is the required electrical voltage?
    Our steam generator operates from a regular 220V outlet.
  25. Is there any additional equipment required – transformer, automatic machine, air conditioner?
    No additional special equipment is required.
  26. Is it necessary to connect the phyto-barrel drain to the sewer?
    There’s no need for that. In most cases, any suitable container is placed under the barrel.
  27. How much water accumulates in the barrel during the procedure?
    200-400 ml of condensate and sweat, depends on the condition of the patient’s body.
  28. Does the barrel come assembled?
    The cedar barrel is delivered assembled, the dimensions of the phyto barrel are designed so that it easily passes into standard doorways.