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Production of cedar phyto-barrels with a steam generator

from idea to industrial implementation

Production of cedar phyto-barrels with a steam generator
Create your phyto barrel
  1. Select the type of phyto barrel:

  2. Select the diameter of the phyto barrel:

    Диаметр бочки 77 см, комфортна для людей весом до 85 кг и ростом до 180 см, проходит во все стандартные дверные проёмы (80 см), все модели могут быть разобраны в случае необходимости.
  3. Select the type of cover:

    Removable cover
  4. Select door height:

    Standard door height
  5. Select the type of door opening:

  6. Select the type of hoops:

  7. Keeps the barrel looking good
Price: 0 rub.
Steam generator


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Cedar firewood as a gift when buying any barrel through our website!

Cedar wood is suitable for all types of stoves and fireplaces.
When burning, very little smoke emanates from them and a minimum of ash remains,
as well as an incomparable aroma is felt.
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Сертификат на приобретение бочки
от 28 000 р.
Лучший подарок - это подарок для здоровья. Подарочный сертификат на любую модель кедровой бочки РосКедр, а также на сопутствующие товары нашего производства.
Подробнее     Купить
Production of cedar phyto-barrels with a steam generator
2 400 rub.
15pcs / 250ml Eucalyptus helps to open sweat pores, tones the body. Thyme stimulates sweating, accelerates metabolic processes, promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue. St. John's wort has an antibacterial effect, cleanses the skin.
15pcs / 250ml Sage has a diaphoretic effect. Calendula is anti-inflammatory. Chamomile has an antibacterial effect, cleanses the skin, and stimulates the healing of small wounds.
Steam generator set includes: steam generator body, hose, wire.
A unique control panel with the ability to smoothly adjust the temperature inside and outside the phyto-barrel, an electronic thermometer, a timer.
Protective case for storing phyto-barrel, made of a special waterproof material that protects the barrel from moisture and other external factors.
Protective case for storing phyto-barrel, made of a special waterproof material that protects the barrel from moisture and other external factors.
Compact and quiet fan, conveniently fixed directly on the barrel. The fan is already connected to the control panel and does not require additional installation.
4 600 rub.
An electric quartz lamp that creates a flux of ultraviolet radiation, with a quartz glass bulb capable of transmitting this radiation. Its principle of action is to disinfect the air and various surfaces by means of ultraviolet radiation. It can be used to disinfect the inner surface of a cedar barrel. Recommended for commercial use of phytobarrels.
Энергонезависимый вентилятор "РосКедр" позволяет обеспечивать в парилке постоянное перемещение воздушных масс и равномерное распределение тепла. Более того, поток горячего воздуха, попадая на кожу, способствует усилению тепловых ощущений, что позволяет лучше пропариться, получить от банных процедур максимум удовольствия и оздоровительного эффекта.
2 400 rub.
15pcs / 250ml Wormwood cleanses the skin, strengthens the immune system. Hop cones restore the protective functions of the body, contribute to the cessation of inflammatory processes. Strawberry leaves normalize the state of the nervous system, stimulate sweating.
15pcs / 250ml Juniper strengthens the protective functions of the body, stimulates blood circulation. A birch leaf strengthens the immune system, increases perspiration, and helps to open sweat pores. Linden blossom has a diaphoretic effect, which promotes weight loss.
The "tonic" collection has all the advantages of traditional tea - rich color, aroma, astringency, but at the same time it contains important components that normalize metabolism, intestinal microflora. It is used for the prevention of influenza, has a sedative, analgesic effect, slightly lowers blood pressure, has a diuretic, diaphoretic effect.
Production of cedar phyto-barrels with a steam generator
4 200 rub.
A set of 12 bottles, 3 bottles of each type.
The “soothing” collection has a pleasant aroma, rich, slightly tart taste with a slight bitterness. Thanks to the plants it contains, tea has a beneficial effect on physiological processes in the body, normalizes blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, strengthens their walls, “thins” the blood, improves blood flow, blood supply to the brain and heart, soothes, while stimulating the brain and heart.
"Vitamin" collection has a wonderful property to restore strength after winter, eliminates the symptoms of vitamin deficiency. Due to the high content of essential oils and phytoncidal substances, tea has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect in case of stomach and intestinal ulcers, gastritis, normalizes microflora in case of dysbacteriosis, restores hemoglobin and increases the number of erythrocytes, no less effective than iron preparations. Used to enhance immunity, has a calming effect.
1 000 rub.
Стопотрен — это уникальный тренажер для стоп, изготовленный из настоящего алтайского кедра. Представляет собой небольшие кедровые дощечки прямоугольной формы, с одной стороны которых закреплена опора, на которой качается стопа.
800 rub.
Cedar wood is an environmentally friendly product. When cedar wood burns, very little smoke comes out and a minimum of ash remains, as well as an incomparable aroma is felt. Cedar wood is very economical due to the highest temperature and long burning time, suitable for any type of stove.
купель-1 (1)
The cedar bath is installed both in the baths and in apartments and houses to receive relaxing treatments. Our company makes hot tubs only from chipped cedar, which do not dry out if the product is not used for a long time. Do not swell or deform from frequent procedures.
The cedar bath is installed both in baths and in apartments and houses to receive relaxing treatments. Our company for the production of mini saunas for an apartment makes hot tubs only from chopped cedar, which do not dry out if the product is not used for a long time.
Additional products: 0 rub.
Total: 0 rub.

- health and sports goods store

Vitamin collection

Small succulent with long, spikey leaves in a mug-like planter.

"Vitamin" collection has a wonderful property to restore strength after winter, eliminates the symptoms of vitamin deficiency. Due to the high content of essential oils and

850 руб.

Toning collection

Small succulent with long, spikey leaves in a mug-like planter.

The "tonic" collection has all the advantages of traditional tea - rich color, aroma, astringency, but at the same time it contains important components that normalize metabolism,

850 руб.

Soothing collection

Small succulent with long, spikey leaves in a mug-like planter.

The “soothing” collection has a pleasant aroma, rich, slightly tart taste with a slight bitterness. Thanks to the plants it contains, tea has a beneficial effect on

850 руб.
Read more on the Biotropika website
Additional goods: 0 rub.
Total: 0 rub.
The total cost:
0 rub.
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Cedar barrels, phyto barrels

The RosKedr company offers to buy cedar barrels from the manufacturer. High-quality wood is used in the manufacture, all sanitary standards are observed. The professionalism of the craftsmen ensures the durability, safety and reliability of the products. We do not use glue and various impregnations. The production is carried out according to the traditional cooperage technology.

The modern cedar barrel is an oval-shaped spa capsule with a seat inside, doors and a head hole. Works on the principle of a steam bath. During the procedure, the head is on the outside and the body is closed on the inside. This avoids overheating and pressure build-up, which often occurs in a conventional bath.

How the phytobarrel works

The cedar phyto barrel is equipped with a thermostat and a steam generator that delivers hot steam. The steam generator is filled with water, and the herbal collection is placed in a special container. After the water boils, the container is filled with healing aromatic steam. The procedure is carried out from 10 to 30 minutes, the temperature is 40 °C.


  • The design allows maintaining a stable temperature inside the container for a long time.
  • Compactness. Easily fits in the apartment or in the country.
  • It has a bactericidal and therapeutic effect.
  • Environmentally friendly product.

A cedar barrel sauna eliminates edema, strengthens the immune system, relieves fatigue and muscle tension. With its help, you can get rid of chronic diseases, including bronchitis and various dermatological problems. Regular use will restore healthy sleep and tidy up the nervous system.

How to buy a phyto barrel

On the website of our company roskedr.ru, phyto barrels are sold at affordable prices. You can choose the type and diameter of the barrel, the type of lid, the height of the door. It is possible to additionally order a hot tub, a remote control for a steam generator, a quartz lamp, a variety of herbal teas and much more.

By calling the hotline or ordering a call back, consult with a specialist. He will tell you about the benefits and technical characteristics of the barrel, answer all questions.

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